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Crane Resource Centre: recommended date for submission of materials for alternate format production for Summer Session for courses starting May 10.
Faculty Association General Faculty Meeting, 1:00 p.m.
Faculty textbook adoptions required by UBC Bookstore for courses beginning in September.
Law, all years: last day of classes.
Law: Examinations begin.
Distance Education and Technology: course information will be sent to students for courses beginning in May (Term A).
Last day of classes for most Faculties.
Good Friday. University closed.
Commerce and Business Administration, M.B.A.: midterm break begins (April 12 to 16 inclusive).
Easter Monday. University closed.
April examinations begin (day and evening classes) for most Faculties (April 13 to 27 inclusive). Saturdays are included in the examination schedule.
Deadline for application of deferment of tuition fee payment for Summer Session Term 1.
Deadline for receipt of nominations for entrance scholarships for students enrolling at UBC from Grade 12.
Forestry, third year: FRST 452 field work begins at the University Research Forest, Maple Ridge, BC (April 18 to May 1 inclusive).
Rehabilitation Sciences, fourth-year Occupational Therapy: final course (RSOT 434) begins.
Rehabilitation Sciences, third-year Occupational Therapy: clinical fieldwork begins (April 19 to July 9 inclusive).
Meeting of the Senate.
Pharmaceutical Sciences, fourth year: last day of clinical clerkships.
Graduate Studies: last day for departments to notify the Faculty of Graduate Studies that major papers have been submitted and all requirements met for non-thesis Master's degrees for Spring graduation.
Graduate Studies: last day for submission to Faculty of Graduate Studies of all Master's and Doctoral theses for Spring graduation.
Law, all years: last day of examinations.
2003/04 Winter Session ends.
Last day of April examinations for most Faculties.
Earth and Ocean Sciences: Hydrogeology Field School begins (EOSC 428) (April 28 to May 2 inclusive).
Earth and Ocean Sciences, second year students: Geology Field School begins (EOSC 223) (April 29 to May 5 inclusive).
Earth and Ocean Sciences, third year students: Geology field school begins (EOSC 328) (April 29 to May 12 inclusive).
Geography, third year: GEOG 309 field school begins.
Rehabilitation Sciences, fourth-year Occupational Therapy: last day of classes.