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Minor in Commerce

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Enrolment in this program is limited. An application form may be obtained from the Dean's Office. The completed form must be returned no later than May 15. At the time of application, students must be eligible for third-year standing in the Wood Products Processing program with a cumulative average of at least 68% in the previous two years. Applicants must have successfully completed one of MATH_V 100, 102, 104, 180, or 184 and both of ECON_V 101/FRST_V 101 and 102 (or ECON_V 310/FRST_V 101 and 311). Meeting the stated requirements does not guarantee admission to the program.

The program consists of COMR_V 329, 457, 465, 473, 493; and one of COMM_V 204, COMR_V 398, or 458. Upon successful completion of this Minor program, the notation "Minor in Commerce" will appear on the student's transcript.

The Commerce Minor is intended to be completed over two years.

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