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Dean's Office

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Science Advising and Engagement: C. Nahm, Assistant Dean Students, A. Christopher, Associate Director Academic Support, E. Green, Associate Director, Student Experience, K. Chan, Academic Advisor, B. Day, Academic Advisor, M. de Burca, Academic Advisor, S. Kwai, Academic Advisor, C. Wong, Academic Advisor, Y. Yablonovksaya, B. Dennis, Academic Advisor - Vantage College and Faculty of Science, S. Old Bull, Indigenous Academic Advisor, S. Amatya, Associate Academic Advisor, W. Mah, Associate Academic Advisor, C. Miyashita, Associate Academic Advisor, M. Paek, Associate Academic Advisor, K. Ruan, Associate Academic Advisor, O. Zhou, Associate Academic Advisor, M. Huang, Graduation Lead, D. Ward-Hall, Student Engagement Officer, M. Jung, Student Engagement Advisor, L. De Vincenzi, R. Chan, Student Support Specialist

Cooperative Education Program: M. J. Iqbal, Director; S. Chan, Assistant Director, Administration, Y. Azarpajouh, G. Chandra, R. Driscoll, E. Evangelista, L. Grant, K. Lau, C. Mckinnon, S. Najafi, M. Phaisaltantiwongs, B. Seredick, S. Sivic, H. Sejpal, K. Slaman, C. Wun, Coordinators, B. Cho, Business Development Manager, A. Poznikoff, T. Mak, K. Wanjiru, Business Development Assistants, A. Pak, Administration & Finance Manager, E. Jakhar,  A. Rodgers, Senior Program Assistants, N. Becker, E. Chen, Y. Chin, S. Kuk, B. Laidman, R. Nagaraja, A. Wong, Program Assistants

Development and Alumni Engagement Office: A. Berezny, Assistant Dean-Development, V. Titford, Manager of Development, K. Duffell, Associate Director, Alumni Engagement, E. Berg, Proposal Development and Communications Manager, S. Doran-Coelho, Associate Director, F. Beaty, Associate Director, S. Hunt, Associate Director, V. Gorlova, Associate Director, G. Dhillon, Development Officer, H. Sung, Advancement Officer, J. Rongavilla, Development Coordinator, M. Sam, Administrative Assistant

Integrated Sciences Program: L. Groat, Director

Science One Program: C. Piccolo, Director

First Year Focus Program: C. Piccolo, Director

First-Year Seminar in Science: M. Graves, Director

Combined Major in Science: Dr. Vishakha Monga, Director

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